Import Description

The import description is used to filter Places registered in the board farm. The Agent uses this import description to reserve one of the matching Places. A Place matches, when all parts match. A part matches, when:

  • the tags in “compatible” are a subset of the exported part

  • the USB and TCP interfaces are a subset of the exported interfaces (matched by <if-name>)



Type: Table
Required: Yes

Holds all parts, that are expected to be part of a Place.


Type: Table
Required: Yes

Describes one of the parts, that is expected to be part of a Place. <part-name> is a free-form string and is only used locally, e.g. in the output of the not-my-board status command.


Type: Array of strings
Required: Yes

List of tags, that describe this part. Tags are free-form strings.

Tags are used for filtering Places, so they should be defined and agreed upon by every participant of the board farm.


Type: Table
Required: No

Optional table to request exported TCP ports. Contains zero or more elements.


Type: Table
Required: No

Requests one exported TCP port. <if-name> is a free-form string.

<if-name>s are used for filtering Places, so they should be defined and agreed upon by every participant of the board farm.


Type: Number
Required: Yes

Configures the Agent to listen on that port on localhost. Connections to that port are forwarded to the exported TCP port with the matching <if-name>. Must be a valid TCP port.


Type: Table
Required: No

Optional table to request exported USB ports. Contains zero or more elements.


Type: Table
Required: No

Request one exported USB port. <if-name> is a free-form string.

<if-name>s are used for filtering Places, so they should be defined and agreed upon by every participant of the board farm.


Type: Number
Required: Yes

Configures the virtual USB port, which is used to attach the exported remote USB device. The Agent selects the actual virtual USB hub and port based on port_num and the speed of the imported USB device. The default Kernel config limits the number of ports, so that port_num must be between 0 and 7.


Here’s an example of an import description:

compatible = [ "raspberry-pi" ]
usb.usb0 = { port_num = 0 }
usb.serial = { port_num = 1 }

compatible = [ "my-power-supply" ]
tcp.scpi = { local_port = 5025 }