How to Deploy the Hub

This guide shows you how to deploy the Hub. There are of course many different ways to deploy a Python application, but this guide shows you one way to get started.

Generate Self-Signed Certificates

This step is not necessary, if you have another way to get certificates. If you don’t, then continue.

First generate the self signed root CA:

$ sudo openssl req -x509 -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:secp384r1 -days 365000 -nodes -keyout /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board-root-ca.key -out /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board-root-ca.crt -subj "/CN=not-my-board-root-ca"

Then generate the certificate for the Hub. Replace with the hostname of your server:

$ hostname=""
$ sudo openssl req -x509 -CA /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board-root-ca.crt -CAkey /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board-root-ca.key -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -days 365000 -nodes -keyout /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board.key -out /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board.crt -subj "/CN=$hostname" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:$hostname,DNS:*.$hostname" -addext "basicConstraints=CA:FALSE" -addext "keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment" -addext "extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth"

Finally delete the root CA key, so no malicious certificate can be generated from it:

$ sudo rm /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board-root-ca.key

Share the root CA certificate (/etc/not-my-board/not-my-board-root-ca.crt) with users of the board farm. They will need to start their Agents and Exporters with the --cacert option to trust this root CA.

Configuring the systemd Service

Configure systemd to listen on port 443:

Description=Board Farm Hub Socket



Then configure the systemd service, that is started, when someone connects to this socket. With this service file, systemd drops privileges, starts uvicorn (an ASGI server), which takes the socket and handles the requests with the not-my-board Hub (written as an ASGI application):

Description=Board Farm Hub

ExecStart=/opt/pipx/venvs/not-my-board/bin/uvicorn --fd 0 --ssl-keyfile ${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/certkey --ssl-certfile /etc/not-my-board/not-my-board.crt not_my_board:asgi_app

Finally enable and start the socket:

$ sudo systemctl enable --now not-my-board-hub.socket