How to Set up an Exporter

This guide shows you how to set up an Exporter persistently using systemd.

Create a systemd unit template, so new Exporter instances can easily be added (replace <my-hub-address> with the address or domain name of the Hub):

Description=Board Farm Exporter For Place %I

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/not-my-board export https://<my-hub-address> /etc/not-my-board/%i.toml


Create the export description in /etc/not-my-board/, for example:

port = 29201

compatible = [ "example-board" ]
usb.usb0 = { usbid = "3-7" }
usb.usb-serial = { usbid = "3-8" }

If the host has a firewall, you might need to open ports, so Agents can connect to the Exporter directly. To open a range of 100 ports on the eno1 interface with ufw, use the following command:

$ sudo ufw allow in on eno1 to any port 29200:29299 proto tcp comment 'not-my-board exporter'

Finally enable and start the systemd service:

$ sudo systemctl enable --now not-my-board-exporter@example


The example instance name in the above command refers to the export description in /etc/not-my-board/. By changing the instance name, you can easily add new Exporter instances.